AI Compliance

Compliance may exist at a variety of levels, this could be industry specific, jurisdictional, regulatory, or corporate.

It may be defined and self-imposed by the business itself or it may be a condition to trade in a particular region or industry. It is fair to say that AI has created a compliance challenge for law makers and industry bodies, primarily due to the speed of advancements and data sets typically involved in use. Regardless to whether a business is bound by legislative or regulatory compliance, it has ethical and business risk considerations if it is using AI.

The use of AI doesn’t automatically result in business risk, it does however increase the likelihood, particularly if this AI use is unknown to management or operating without any guidelines or oversight. It is therefore imperative that businesses address AI compliance as a priority.

As business applications push AI capabilities and employees become more aware of the benefits of using such technology, it is important that management take a pro-active approach to communicating use guidelines to employees regarding the use of AI. This may consist of a set of controls combining a policy with other business enabling tools such as ‘How to use AI in the workplace’ and AI technology adoption guidelines.

AI compliance is not just a legal obligation, it's a crucial aspect of responsible AI adoption. It helps protect individuals' rights, ensures fairness and transparency, and safeguards your business from legal, ethical, and reputational risks. Implementing AI compliance measures is an essential step in building trust, maintaining integrity, and reaping the benefits of AI technology while minimising its potential downsides.